Source code for swmmio.elements

Objects encapsulating model elements
import pandas as pd
import swmmio
from swmmio.utils.dataframes import dataframe_from_rpt, get_link_coords, dataframe_from_inp, nodexy
from swmmio.utils.spatial import coords_series_to_geometry, write_geojson
from swmmio.utils.text import get_inp_sections_details

__all__ = ['Links', 'Nodes', 'ModelSection']

[docs]class ModelSection(object): """ Base class of a group of model elements. :param model: swmmio.Model object :param inp_sections: list of node-related sections from the inp file to concatenate in the object :param join_sections: list of node-related sections from the inp file to join to the object :param rpt_sections: list of node-related sections from the rpt file to join to the object :param columns: optional subset of columns used to exclude unwanted columns in the resulting object :param geomtype: type of geometry for section [point, linestring, polygon] """ def __init__(self, model, inp_sections, join_sections=None, rpt_sections=None, columns=None, geomtype='point'): self.model = model self.inp = self.model.inp self.rpt = self.model.rpt self.inp_sections = inp_sections self.join_sections = join_sections if join_sections is not None else [] self.rpt_sections = rpt_sections if rpt_sections is not None else [] self.columns = columns self.geomtype = geomtype self._df = None @property def dataframe(self): """ Return a Pandas.Dataframe representation of the group :return: pd.Dataframe """ return self.__call__() @property def geojson(self): """ Return a GeoJSON representation of the group :return: GeoJSON string """ return write_geojson(self.dataframe, geomtype=self.geomtype) @property def geodataframe(self): """ Return a GeoPandas.GeoDataFrame representation of the group :return: GeoPandas.GeoDataFrame """ # uses GeoPandas try: import geopandas as gp except ImportError: raise ImportError('geopandas module needed. Install GeoPandas with conda: ', 'conda install geopandas') df = self.__call__() df['geometry'] = coords_series_to_geometry(df['coords'], geomtype=self.geomtype, dtype='shape') df = df.drop(['coords'], axis=1) return gp.GeoDataFrame(df, def __call__(self): """ collect all useful and available data related to the conduits and organize in one dataframe. >>> model = swmmio.Model(MODEL_FULL_FEATURES__NET_PATH) >>> conduits_section = ModelSection(model, 'conduits') >>> conduits_section() """ # concat inp sections with unique element IDs headers = get_inp_sections_details(self.inp.path) dfs = [dataframe_from_inp(self.inp.path, sect) for sect in self.inp_sections if sect.upper() in headers] # return empty df if no inp sections found if len(dfs) == 0: return pd.DataFrame() df = pd.concat(dfs, axis=0, sort=False) # confirm index name is string df = df.rename(index=str) # join to this any sections with matching IDs (e.g. XSECTIONS) for sect in self.join_sections: rsuffix = f"_{sect.replace(' ', '_')}" df = df.join(dataframe_from_inp(self.inp.path, sect), rsuffix=rsuffix) if df.empty: return df # if there is an RPT available, grab relevant sections if self.rpt: for rpt_sect in self.rpt_sections: df = df.join(dataframe_from_rpt(self.rpt.path, rpt_sect)) # add coordinates if self.geomtype == 'point': df = df.join(self.inp.coordinates[['X', 'Y']]) xys = df.apply(lambda r: nodexy(r), axis=1) df = df.assign(coords=xys) elif self.geomtype == 'linestring': # add conduit coordinates xys = df.apply(lambda r: get_link_coords(r, self.inp.coordinates, self.inp.vertices), axis=1) df = df.assign( x: x[0])) # make inlet/outlet node IDs string type df.InletNode = df.InletNode.astype(str) df.OutletNode = df.OutletNode.astype(str) elif self.geomtype == 'polygon': p = self.inp.polygons p.index = # take stacked coordinates and orient in list of tuples, xys = p.groupby(by=p.index).apply(lambda r: [(xy['X'], xy['Y']) for ix, xy in r.iterrows()]) # copy the first point to the last position xys = xys.apply(lambda r: r + [r[0]]) df = df.assign(coords=xys) # trim to desired columns if self.columns is not None: df = df[[c for c in self.columns if c in df.columns]] self._df = df return df
[docs]class Nodes(ModelSection): """ Generalized nodes object for working with node-like SWMM objects. :param model: swmmio.Model object :param inp_sections: list of node-related sections from the inp file to concatenate in the object :param join_sections: list of node-related sections from the inp file to join to the object :param rpt_sections: list of node-related sections from the rpt file to join to the object :param columns: optional subset of columns used to exclude unwanted columns in the resulting object >>> from swmmio.examples import spruce >>> nodes = Nodes( ... spruce, ... inp_sections=['junctions'], ... rpt_sections=['Node Depth Summary'], ... columns=['InvertElev', 'MaxHGL', 'coords'] ... ) >>> nodes.dataframe InvertElev MaxHGL coords Name J3 6.547 8.19 [(459.05800000000005, -113.145)] 1 17.000 17.94 [(-77.021, -78.321)] 2 17.000 17.00 [(-84.988, 43.833)] 3 16.500 16.89 [(-18.6, -71.23899999999999)] 4 16.000 16.87 [(-67.28399999999999, -37.603)] 5 15.000 16.00 [(-56.662, 15.507)] J2 13.000 13.00 [(238.75, -53.332)] >>> # access data as geojson >>> nodes.geojson['features'][0]['geometry'] {"coordinates": [[459.058, -113.145]], "type": "Point"} >>> nodes.geojson['features'][0]['properties'] {'InvertElev': 6.547, 'MaxHGL': 8.19, 'Name': 'J3'} """ def __init__(self, model, inp_sections, join_sections=None, rpt_sections=None, columns=None): super().__init__(model, inp_sections, join_sections, rpt_sections, columns, geomtype='point')