Source code for

# graphical functions for SWMM files
import os
import tempfile

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

from swmmio.defs.config import BETTER_BASEMAP_PATH
from import config
from swmmio.defs.constants import white
from import px_to_irl_coords, save_image
from swmmio.utils import spatial
from swmmio.utils.spatial import centroid_and_bbox_from_coords
from import (annotate_streets, annotate_title, annotate_details, annotate_timestamp,
                                     draw_conduit, draw_node)

def _draw_basemap(draw, img, bbox, px_width, shift_ratio):
    given the shapefiles in config.basemap_options, render each layer
    on the model basemap.

    for f in config.basemap_options['features']:

        shp_path = os.path.join(config.basemap_shapefile_dir, f['feature'])
        df = spatial.read_shapefile(shp_path)[f['cols'] + ['coords']]
        df = px_to_irl_coords(df, bbox=bbox, shift_ratio=shift_ratio,

        if 'ST_NAME' in df.columns:
            # this is a street, draw a polyline accordingly
            df.apply(lambda r: draw.line(r.draw_coords, fill=f['fill']), axis=1)
            annotate_streets(df, img, 'ST_NAME')
            df.apply(lambda r: draw.polygon(r.draw_coords,
                                            fill=f['fill']), axis=1)

[docs]def draw_model(model=None, nodes=None, conduits=None, parcels=None, title=None, annotation=None, file_path=None, bbox=None, px_width=2048.0): """create a png rendering of the model and model results. A swmmio.Model object can be passed in independently, or Pandas Dataframes for the nodes and conduits of a model may be passed in. A dataframe containing parcel data can optionally be passed in. model -> swmmio.Model object nodes -> Pandas Dataframe (optional, if model not provided) conduits -> Pandas Dataframe (optional, if model not provided) parcels - > Pandas Dataframe (optional) title -> string, to be written in top left of PNG annotation -> string, to be written in bottom left of PNG file_path -> stirng, file path where png should be drawn. if not specified, a PIL Image object is return (nice for IPython notebooks) bbox -> tuple of coordinates representing bottom left and top right corner of a bounding box. the rendering will be clipped to this box. If not provided, the rendering will clip tightly to the model extents e.g. bbox = ((2691647, 221073), (2702592, 227171)) Note: this hasn't been tested with anything other than PA StatePlane coords px_width -> float, width of image in pixels """ # gather the nodes and conduits data if a swmmio Model object was passed in if model is not None: nodes = model.nodes() conduits = model.links() # antialias X2 xplier = 1 xplier *= px_width / 1024 # scale the symbology sizes px_width = px_width * 2 # compute draw coordinates, and the image dimensions (in px) conduits, bb, h, w, shift_ratio = px_to_irl_coords(conduits, bbox=bbox, px_width=px_width) nodes = px_to_irl_coords(nodes, bbox=bb, px_width=px_width)[0] # create the PIL image and draw objects img ='RGB', (w, h), white) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) # draw the basemap if required if config.include_basemap is True: _draw_basemap(draw, img, bb, px_width, shift_ratio) if parcels is not None: # expects dataframe with coords and draw color column par_px = px_to_irl_coords(parcels, bbox=bb, shift_ratio=shift_ratio, px_width=px_width)[0] par_px.apply(lambda r: draw.polygon(r.draw_coords, fill=r.draw_color), axis=1) # start the draw fest, mapping draw methods to each row in the dataframes conduits.apply(lambda row: draw_conduit(row, draw), axis=1) nodes.apply(lambda row: draw_node(row, draw), axis=1) # ADD ANNOTATION AS NECESSARY if title: annotate_title(title, draw) if annotation: annotate_details(annotation, draw) annotate_timestamp(draw) # SAVE IMAGE TO DISK if file_path: save_image(img, file_path) return img
[docs]def create_map(model=None, filename=None, basemap=None, auto_open=False): """ export model as a geojson object """ import geojson basemap = BETTER_BASEMAP_PATH if basemap is None else basemap return_html = False if filename is not None else True if filename is None: filename = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), f'{}.html') if model.to_crs("EPSG:4326") else: raise ValueError('Model object must have a valid crs') # get map centroid and bbox c, bbox = centroid_and_bbox_from_coords(model.inp.coordinates) # start writing that thing with open(basemap, 'r') as bm: with open(filename, 'w') as newmap: for line in bm: if 'INSERT GEOJSON HERE' in line: newmap.write(f'conduits = {geojson.dumps(model.links.geojson)}\n') newmap.write(f'nodes = {geojson.dumps(model.nodes.geojson)}\n') elif '// INSERT MAP CENTER HERE' in line: newmap.write('\tcenter:[{}, {}],\n'.format(c[0], c[1])) elif '// INSERT BBOX HERE' in line and bbox is not None: newmap.write(f'\tmap.fitBounds([[{bbox[0]}, {bbox[1]}], [{bbox[2]}, {bbox[3]}]]);\n') else: newmap.write(line) if return_html: with open(filename, 'r') as f: return