Source code for swmmio.utils.dataframes

import math

from swmmio.utils.functions import format_inp_section_header, remove_braces
from swmmio.utils.text import (extract_section_of_file, get_inp_sections_details,
from io import StringIO
import warnings
import pandas as pd
import re

[docs]def dataframe_from_bi(bi_path, section='[CONDUITS]'): """ given a path to a build instructions file, create a dataframe of data in a given section """ df = dataframe_from_inp(bi_path, section, additional_cols=[';', 'Comment', 'Origin'], comment=';;') return df
[docs]def create_dataframe_multi_index(inp_path, section='CURVES'): # format the section header for look up in headers OrderedDict sect = remove_braces(section).upper() # get list of all section headers in inp to use as section ending flags headers = get_inp_sections_details(inp_path, include_brackets=False) if sect not in headers: warnings.warn(f'{sect} section not found in {inp_path}') return pd.DataFrame() # extract the string and read into a dataframe start_string = format_inp_section_header(section) end_strings = [format_inp_section_header(h) for h in headers.keys()] s = extract_section_of_file(inp_path, start_string, end_strings) cols = headers[sect]['columns'] f = StringIO(s) data = [] for line in f.readlines(): if "FILE" in line: filename = re.findall(r'"([^"]*)"', line)[0] items = line.strip().split()[:2] items = [items[0], items[1], None, '"{}"'.format(filename)] else: items = line.strip().split() if len(items) == 3: items = [items[0], None, items[1], items[2]] if len(items) == 4: data.append(items) df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=cols) if sect == 'CURVES': df = df.set_index(['Name', 'Type']) elif sect == 'TIMESERIES': df = df.set_index(['Name']) return df
[docs]def dataframe_from_rpt(rpt_path, section, element_id=None): """ create a dataframe from a section of an RPT file :param rpt_path: path to rep file :param section: title of section to extract :param element_id: type of element when extracting time series data :return: pd.DataFrame """ # get list of all section headers in rpt to use as section ending flags headers = get_rpt_sections_details(rpt_path) if section not in headers: warnings.warn(f'{section} section not found in {rpt_path}') return pd.DataFrame() # handle case for extracting timeseries results if element_id is not None: end_strings = ['<<< '] start_strings = [ section, f"<<< {section.replace(' Results', '')} {element_id} >>>", '-' * 20, '-' * 20 ] else: # and get the list of columns to use for parsing this section end_strings = list(headers.keys()) end_strings.append('***********') start_strings = [section, '-'*20, '-'*20] cols = headers[section]['columns'] # check for no Node Flooding Summary Edge case "No nodes were flooded." if section == 'Node Flooding Summary': s = extract_section_of_file(rpt_path, [section, 'No nodes were flooded.'], end_strings) if 'No nodes were flooded' in s: return pd.DataFrame(columns=cols) # extract the string and read into a dataframe s = extract_section_of_file(rpt_path, start_strings, end_strings) df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(s), header=None, delim_whitespace=True, skiprows=[0], index_col=0, names=cols) # confirm index name is string df = df.rename(index=str) return df
[docs]def dataframe_from_inp(inp_path, section, additional_cols=None, quote_replace=' ', **kwargs): """ create a dataframe from a section of an INP file :param inp_path: :param section: :param additional_cols: :param skip_headers: :param quote_replace: :return: """ # format the section header for look up in headers OrderedDict sect = remove_braces(section).upper() # get list of all section headers in inp to use as section ending flags headers = get_inp_sections_details(inp_path, include_brackets=False) if sect not in headers: warnings.warn(f'{sect} section not found in {inp_path}') return pd.DataFrame() # extract the string and read into a dataframe start_string = format_inp_section_header(section) end_strings = [format_inp_section_header(h) for h in headers.keys()] s = extract_section_of_file(inp_path, start_string, end_strings, **kwargs) # replace occurrences of double quotes "" s = s.replace('""', quote_replace) # count tokens in first non-empty line, after the header, ignoring comments # if zero tokens counted (i.e. empty line), fall back to headers dict n_tokens = len(re.sub(r"(\n)\1+", r"\1", s).split('\n')[1].split(';')[0].split()) n_tokens = len(headers[sect]['columns']) if n_tokens == 0 else n_tokens # and get the list of columns to use for parsing this section # add any additional columns needed for special cases (build instructions) additional_cols = [] if additional_cols is None else additional_cols cols = headers[sect]['columns'][:n_tokens] + additional_cols if headers[sect]['columns'][0] == 'blob': # return the whole row, without specific col headers return pd.read_csv(StringIO(s), delim_whitespace=False) else: try: df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(s), header=None, delim_whitespace=True, skiprows=[0], index_col=0, names=cols) except: raise IndexError(f'failed to parse {section} with cols: {cols}. head:\n{s[:500]}') # confirm index name is string df = df.rename(index=str) return df
[docs]def get_inp_options_df(inp_path): """ Parse ONLY the OPTIONS section of the inp file into a dataframe :param inp_path: path to inp file :return: pandas.DataFrame >>> from import MODEL_FULL_FEATURES_XY >>> ops = get_inp_options_df(MODEL_FULL_FEATURES_XY) >>> ops[:3] Value Key FLOW_UNITS CFS INFILTRATION HORTON FLOW_ROUTING DYNWAVE """ from io import StringIO from swmmio.defs import INP_SECTION_TAGS, INP_OBJECTS ops_tag = '[OPTIONS]' ops_cols = INP_OBJECTS['OPTIONS']['columns'] ops_string = extract_section_of_file(inp_path, ops_tag, INP_SECTION_TAGS, comment=';') ops_df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(ops_string), header=None, delim_whitespace=True, skiprows=[0], index_col=0, names=ops_cols) return ops_df
[docs]def nodexy(row): if math.isnan(row.X) or math.isnan(row.Y): return None else: return [(row.X, row.Y)]