Source code for

from swmmio.defs.constants import red, purple, lightblue, lightgreen, black, lightgrey, grey
from swmmio.defs.config import FONT_PATH
from import circle_bbox, length_bw_coords, angle_bw_points, midpoint
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageOps
from time import strftime
import math
import os

[docs]def node_draw_size(node): """given a row of a nodes() dataframe, return the size it should be drawn""" if 'draw_size' in node.axes[0]: # if this value has already been calculated return node.draw_size radius = 0 # aka don't show this node by default if 'HoursFlooded' in node and node.HoursFlooded >= 0.083: radius = node.HoursFlooded * 3 return radius
[docs]def node_draw_color(node): """given a row of a nodes() dataframe, return the color it should be drawn""" if 'draw_color' in node.axes[0]: # if this value has already been calculated return node.draw_color color = '#d2d2e6' # (210, 210, 230) #default color if 'HoursFlooded' in node and node.HoursFlooded >= 0.083: color = red return color
[docs]def conduit_draw_size(conduit): """return the draw size of a conduit""" if 'draw_size' in conduit.axes[0]: # if this value has already been calculated return conduit.draw_size draw_size = 1 if 'MaxQPerc' in conduit and conduit.MaxQPerc >= 1: capacity = conduit.MaxQ / conduit.MaxQPerc stress = conduit.MaxQ / capacity fill = gradient_grey_red(conduit.MaxQ * 100, 0, capacity * 300) draw_size = int(round(math.pow(stress * 10, 0.8))) elif 'Geom1' in conduit: draw_size = conduit.Geom1 return draw_size
[docs]def conduit_draw_color(conduit): """return the draw color of a conduit""" if 'draw_color' in conduit.axes[0]: # if this value has already been calculated return conduit.draw_color fill = '#787882' # (120, 120, 130) if 'MaxQPerc' in conduit and conduit.MaxQPerc >= 1: capacity = conduit.MaxQ / conduit.MaxQPerc stress = conduit.MaxQ / capacity fill = gradient_grey_red(conduit.MaxQ * 100, 0, capacity * 300) return fill
[docs]def parcel_draw_color(parcel, style='risk'): if style == 'risk': fill = gradient_color_red(parcel.HoursFlooded + 0.5, 0, 3) if style == 'delta': fill = lightgrey # default if parcel.Category == 'increased_flooding': # parcel previously flooded, now floods more fill = red if parcel.Category == 'new_flooding': # parcel previously did not flood, now floods in proposed conditions fill = purple if parcel.Category == 'decreased_flooding': # parcel flooding problem decreased fill = lightblue # du.lightgrey if parcel.Category == 'eliminated_flooding': # parcel flooding problem eliminated fill = lightgreen return fill
[docs]def draw_node(node, draw): """draw a node to the given PIL ImageDraw object""" color = node_draw_color(node) radius = node_draw_size(node) draw.ellipse(circle_bbox(node.draw_coords[0], radius), fill=color)
[docs]def draw_conduit(conduit, draw): # default fill and size fill = conduit_draw_color(conduit) draw_size = int(conduit_draw_size(conduit)) xys = conduit.draw_coords # draw that thing draw.line(xys, fill=fill, width=draw_size) if length_bw_coords(xys[0], xys[-1]) > draw_size * 0.75: # if length is long enough, add circles on the ends to smooth em out # this check avoids circles being drawn for tiny pipe segs draw.ellipse(circle_bbox(xys[0], draw_size * 0.5), fill=fill) draw.ellipse(circle_bbox(xys[1], draw_size * 0.5), fill=fill)
[docs]def draw_parcel_risk(parcel, draw): fill = gradient_color_red(parcel.HoursFlooded + 0.5, 0, 3) draw.polygon(parcel.draw_coords, fill=fill)
[docs]def draw_parcel_risk_delta(parcel, draw): if parcel.Category == 'increased_flooding': # parcel previously flooded, now floods more fill = red if parcel.Category == 'new_flooding': # parcel previously did not flood, now floods in proposed conditions fill = purple if parcel.Category == 'decreased_flooding': # parcel flooding problem decreased fill = lightblue # du.lightgrey if parcel.Category == 'eliminated_flooding': # parcel flooding problem eliminated fill = lightgreen draw.polygon(parcel.draw_coords, fill=fill)
[docs]def annotate_streets(df, img, text_col): # confirm font file location if not os.path.exists(FONT_PATH): print('Error loading default font. Check your FONT_PATH') return None unique_sts = df[text_col].unique() for street in unique_sts: draw_coords = df.loc[df.ST_NAME == street, 'draw_coords'].tolist()[0] coords = df.loc[df.ST_NAME == street, 'coords'].tolist()[0] font = ImageFont.truetype(FONT_PATH, int(25)) imgTxt ='L', font.getsize(street)) drawTxt = ImageDraw.Draw(imgTxt) drawTxt.text((0, 0), street, font=font, fill=(10, 10, 12)) angle = angle_bw_points(coords[0], coords[1]) texrot = imgTxt.rotate(angle, expand=1) mpt = midpoint(draw_coords[0], draw_coords[1]) img.paste(ImageOps.colorize(texrot, (0, 0, 0), (10, 10, 12)), mpt, texrot)
[docs]def gradient_grey_red(x, xmin, xmax): range = xmax - xmin rMin = 100 bgMax = 100 rScale = (255 - rMin) / range bgScale = (bgMax) / range x = min(x, xmax) # limit any vals to the prescribed max # print "range = " + str(range) # print "scale = " + str(scale) r = int(round(x * rScale + rMin)) g = int(round(bgMax - x * bgScale)) b = int(round(bgMax - x * bgScale)) return (r, g, b)
[docs]def line_size(q, exp=1): return int(round(math.pow(q, exp)))
[docs]def gradient_color_red(x, xmin, xmax, startCol=lightgrey): range = xmax - xmin rMin = startCol[0] gMax = startCol[1] bMax = startCol[2] rScale = (255 - rMin) / range gScale = (gMax) / range bScale = (bMax) / range x = min(x, xmax) # limit any vals to the prescribed max # print "range = " + str(range) # print "scale = " + str(scale) r = int(round(x * rScale + rMin)) g = int(round(gMax - x * gScale)) b = int(round(bMax - x * bScale)) return (r, g, b)
[docs]def annotate_title(title, draw): size = ([2],[3]) scale = 1 * size[0] / 2048 fnt = ImageFont.truetype(FONT_PATH, int(40 * scale)) draw.text((10, 15), title, fill=black, font=fnt)
[docs]def annotate_timestamp(draw): size = ([2],[3]) scale = 1 * size[0] / 2048 fnt = ImageFont.truetype(FONT_PATH, int(20 * scale)) timestamp = strftime("%b-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S") txt_height = draw.textsize(timestamp, fnt)[1] txt_width = draw.textsize(timestamp, fnt)[0] xy = (size[0] - txt_width - 10, 15) draw.text(xy, timestamp, fill=grey, font=fnt)
[docs]def annotate_details(txt, draw): size = ([2],[3]) scale = 1 * size[0] / 2048 fnt = ImageFont.truetype(FONT_PATH, int(20 * scale)) txt_height = draw.textsize(txt, fnt)[1] draw.text((10, size[1] - txt_height - 10), txt, fill=black, font=fnt)