Source code for swmmio.version_control.utils

from datetime import datetime
import os
import json
import shutil

from swmmio.utils.functions import format_inp_section_header

[docs]def copy_rpts_hsf(from_dir, to_dir, search_dir): """ walk through a directory and find all rpts and hot start files and copy to another location based on the relative path from the to_dir. ex: to_directory = r'P:\02_Projects\SouthPhila\SE_SFR\MasterModels' from_dir = r'F:\models\SPhila\MasterModels_170104' search_dir = r'F:\models\SPhila\MasterModels_170104\Combinations' copy_rpts_hsf(from_dir, to_dir, search_dir) Good for model results written on a local drive to a network drive """ # chain.from_iterable(os.walk(path) for path in paths): for path, dirs, files in os.walk(search_dir): for f in files: if '.rpt' in f: rpt_path = os.path.join(path, f) to_dir = path.replace(from_dir, to_dir) dest = os.path.join(to_dir, f) shutil.copyfile(src=rpt_path, dst=dest) if '.hsf' in f: hsf_path = os.path.join(path, f) to_dir = path.replace(from_dir, to_dir) dest = os.path.join(to_dir, f) shutil.copyfile(src=hsf_path, dst=dest)
[docs]def write_inp_section(file_object, allheaders, sectionheader, section_data, pad_top=True, na_fill=''): """ given an open file object, list of header sections, the current section header, and the section data in a Pandas Dataframe format, this function writes the data to the file object. """ f = file_object add_str = '' sectionheader = format_inp_section_header(sectionheader) if not section_data.empty: if pad_top: f.write('\n\n' + sectionheader + '\n') # add SWMM-friendly header e.g. [DWF] else: f.write(sectionheader + '\n') if allheaders and (sectionheader in allheaders) and allheaders[sectionheader]['columns'] == ['blob']: # to left justify based on the longest string in the blob column formatter = '{{:<{}s}}'.format(section_data[sectionheader].str.len().max()).format add_str = section_data.fillna('').to_string( index_names=False, header=False, index=False, justify='left', formatters={sectionheader: formatter} ) else: # naming the columns to the index name so the it prints in-line with col headers f.write(';;') # to left justify on longest string in the Comment column # this is overly annoying, to deal with 'Objects' vs numbers to remove # two bytes added from the double semicolon header thing (to keep things lined up) objectformatter = {hedr: ' {{:<{}}}'.format(section_data[hedr].apply(str).str.len().max()).format for hedr in section_data.columns} numformatter = {hedr: ' {{:<{}}}'.format(section_data[hedr].apply(str).str.len().max()).format for hedr in section_data.columns if section_data[hedr].dtype != "O"} objectformatter.update(numformatter) add_str = section_data.fillna(na_fill).to_string( index_names=False, header=True, justify='left', formatters=objectformatter # {'Comment':formatter} ) # write the dataframe as a string f.write(add_str + '\n\n')
[docs]def write_meta_data(file_object, metadicts): file_object.write(json.dumps(metadicts, indent=4)) file_object.write('\n' + '=' * 100 + '\n\n')
[docs]def read_meta_data(filepath): s = '' with open(filepath) as file_object: for line in file_object: if '================' in line: break s += line.strip() return json.loads(s)
[docs]def bi_is_current(build_instr_file): """ check if a given build instruction file has any parent models whose date modified does not match the date modified of the parent INP file """ meta = read_meta_data(build_instr_file) baseline = meta['Parent Models']['Baseline'] alternatives = meta['Parent Models']['Alternatives'] # parents = baseline.update(alternatives) # print meta['Parent Models']['Baseline'] # print alternatives for inp, revisiondate in baseline.items(): if modification_date(inp) != revisiondate: return False for inp, revisiondate in alternatives.items(): if modification_date(inp) != revisiondate: return False return True
[docs]def bi_latest_parent_date_modified(vc_dir, parentname): """ given a path to a version control directory of build instructions and the name of the parent model, return the parent model's revision date """ newest_bi = newest_file(vc_dir) meta = read_meta_data(newest_bi) # with open (newest_bi) as f: return meta['Parent Models'][parentname]
[docs]def newest_file(directory): """ return the newest file (most recent) in a given directory. Beware that people report the min / max to do different things per OS... """ files = os.listdir(directory) return max([os.path.join(directory, f) for f in files], key=os.path.getctime)
[docs]def modification_date(filename, string=True): """ get modification datetime of a file credit: Christian Oudard ' date-times-in-python' """ t = os.path.getmtime(filename) dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(t) if string: return dt.strftime("%y-%m-%d %H:%M") else: return dt # datetime.fromtimestamp(t)