Source code for swmmio.version_control.version_control

import pandas as pd
import os
import itertools
from datetime import datetime
from swmmio import Model
from swmmio.version_control import utils as vc_utils
from swmmio.version_control import inp

pd.options.display.max_colwidth = 200

[docs]def propagate_changes_from_baseline(baseline_dir, alternatives_dir, combi_dir, version_id='', comments=''): """ if the baseline model has changes that need to be propogated to all models, iterate through each model and rebuild the INPs with the new baseline and existing build instructions. update the build instructions to reflect the revision date of the baseline. """ version_id += '_' +"%y%m%d%H%M%S") #collect the directories of all models model_dirs = [] for alt in os.listdir(alternatives_dir): #print alt #iterate through each implementation level of each alternative for imp_level in os.listdir(os.path.join(alternatives_dir, alt)): #create or refresh the build instructions file for the alternatives model_dirs.append(os.path.join(alternatives_dir, alt, imp_level)) model_dirs += [os.path.join(combi_dir, x) for x in os.listdir(combi_dir)] #print model_dirs baseline = Model(baseline_dir) baseinp = baseline.inp.path for model_dir in model_dirs: model = Model(model_dir) vc_directory = os.path.join(model_dir, 'vc') latest_bi = vc_utils.newest_file(vc_directory) #update build instructions metdata and build the new inp bi = inp.BuildInstructions(latest_bi) bi.metadata['Parent Models']['Baseline'] = {baseinp:vc_utils.modification_date(baseinp)} bi.metadata['Log'].update({version_id:comments}), version_id+'.txt') print('rebuilding {} with changes to baseline'.format(, model.inp.path) #overwrite old inp
[docs]def create_combinations(baseline_dir, rsn_dir, combi_dir, version_id='', comments=''): """ Generate SWMM5 models of each logical combination of all implementation phases (IP) across all relief sewer networks (RSN). Inputs: baseline_dir -> path to directory containing the baseline SWMM5 model rsn_dir -> path to directory containing subdirectories for each RSN containing directories for each IP within the network combi_dir -> target directory in which child models will be created version_id -> identifier for a given version (optional) comments -> comments tracked within build instructions log for each model scenario (optional) Calling create_combinations will update child models if parent models have been changed. """ baseinp = Model(baseline_dir).inp.path version_id += '_' +"%y%m%d%H%M%S") #create a list of directories pointing to each IP in each RSN RSN_dirs = [os.path.join(rsn_dir, rsn) for rsn in os.listdir(rsn_dir)] IP_dirs = [os.path.join(d, ip) for d in RSN_dirs for ip in os.listdir(d)] #list of lists of each IP within each RSN, including a 'None' phase. IPs = [[None] + os.listdir(d) for d in RSN_dirs] #identify all scenarios (cartesian product of sets of IPs between each RSN) #then isolate child scenarios with atleast 2 parents (sets with one parent #are already modeled as IPs within the RSNs) all_scenarios = [[_f for _f in s if _f] for s in itertools.product(*IPs)] child_scenarios = [s for s in all_scenarios if len(s) > 1] #notify user of what was initially found str_IPs = '\n'.join([', '.join([_f for _f in i if _f]) for i in IPs]) print(('Found {} implementation phases among {} networks:\n{}\n' 'This yeilds {} combined scenarios ({} total)'.format(len(IP_dirs), len(RSN_dirs),str_IPs,len(child_scenarios),len(all_scenarios) - 1))) # ========================================================================== # UPDATE/CREATE THE PARENT MODEL BUILD INSTRUCTIONS # ========================================================================== for ip_dir in IP_dirs: ip_model = Model(ip_dir) vc_dir = os.path.join(ip_dir, 'vc') if not os.path.exists(vc_dir): print('creating new build instructions for {}'.format( inp.create_inp_build_instructions(baseinp, ip_model.inp.path, vc_dir, version_id, comments) else: #check if the alternative model was changed since last run of this tool #--> compare the modification date to the BI's modification date meta data latest_bi = vc_utils.newest_file(vc_dir) if not vc_utils.bi_is_current(latest_bi): #revision date of the alt doesn't match the newest build #instructions for this 'imp_level', so we should refresh it print('updating build instructions for {}'.format( inp.create_inp_build_instructions(baseinp, ip_model.inp.path, vc_dir, version_id, comments) # ========================================================================== # UPDATE/CREATE THE CHILD MODELS AND CHILD BUILD INSTRUCTIONS # ========================================================================== for scen in child_scenarios: newcombi = '_'.join(sorted(scen)) new_dir = os.path.join(combi_dir, newcombi) vc_dir = os.path.join(combi_dir, newcombi, 'vc') #parent model build instr files #BUG (this breaks with model IDs with more than 1 char) parent_vc_dirs = [os.path.join(rsn_dir, f[0], f, 'vc') for f in scen] latest_parent_bis = [vc_utils.newest_file(d) for d in parent_vc_dirs] build_instrcts = [inp.BuildInstructions(bi) for bi in latest_parent_bis] if not os.path.exists(new_dir): os.mkdir(new_dir) newinppath = os.path.join(new_dir, newcombi + '.inp') print('creating new child model: {}'.format(newcombi)) new_build_instructions = sum(build_instrcts), version_id+'.txt'), newinppath) else: #check if the alternative model was changed since last run #of this tool --> compare the modification date to the BI's #modification date meta data latest_bi = vc_utils.newest_file(os.path.join(new_dir,'vc')) if not vc_utils.bi_is_current(latest_bi): #revision date of the alt doesn't match the newest build #instructions for this 'imp_level', so we should refresh it print('updating child build instructions for {}'.format(newcombi)) newinppath = os.path.join(new_dir, newcombi + '.inp') new_build_instructions = sum(build_instrcts), version_id+'.txt'), newinppath)